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Become a Member

Welcome to the heart of positive change and community empowerment. By becoming a member of ECDC, you're not just joining an organization – you're actively shaping the future of our vibrant Eastside neighborhood. Members must be 18  or older.

Here's why your membership matters: 

Inclusivity and Representation

Membership in ECDC is a reflection of your commitment to our community's growth and prosperity. We invite all residents and property owners of the Eastside neighborhood to join our diverse and inclusive membership base. We value every voice, aiming to create a collective that is as varied and dynamic as the neighborhood we represent.

Collaboration and Affiliation

For businesses, property owners, churches, and organizations within our boundaries, affiliate membership offers an avenue for collaboration. Affiliate members have representation and voting rights, ensuring their input is valued and considered in community matters.

Your Vote, Your Voice

As a member in good standing, you have the power to make your voice heard. One of the most significant privileges of being an ECDC member is the right to cast your vote. Your input matters in decisions that shape the neighborhood's future, from discussions about projects to offering recommendations to city officials.

Associate Membership for Wider Support

Even if you're located outside our neighborhood, you can still be a part of our mission. Associate membership is designed for businesses and organizations that support the causes and fundraising efforts of the Eastside neighborhood. Your support can contribute to our success even from a distance. Associate members are not eligible to vote or sit on the ECDC Board. 

Influencing Change

ECDC is more than just a community organization – it's a platform for change. By actively participating in our meetings, discussions, and committees, you become a vital part of a community-driven force that impacts decisions made by city authorities. Your involvement helps guide the direction our neighborhood takes.

Dues: Investing in Our Collective Future

Dues are the foundation of our operational capability. Your annual dues, which are established by the membership, go directly towards fueling our projects, events, and initiatives. This financial support is a tangible way to invest in a better Eastside neighborhood for all.

Member Responsibilities

As valued members of ECDC, you contribute to the vibrant spirit of our meetings by engaging respectfully and constructively. Your active participation in discussions, respectful conduct, and attentive listening foster an atmosphere where diverse voices shape our community's future.


Adhering to time limits for comments and refraining from side conversations ensures productive exchanges. The President may gently guide discussions if needed. Promptly updating your contact information keeps you informed, and addressing concerns through written communication ensures transparency.


Your commitment to these responsibilities amplifies our collective progress, driving positive change within our community. Any feedback, concerns, or differing viewpoints regarding ECDC are warmly welcomed when expressed in writing and presented to the ECDC Board.

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